Sarah Palin
Every year, a new movie or celebrity takes the world by storm, and so naturally these people become hot ideas for Halloween costumes. The only problem is: do you think you are the only "Sarah Palin" out there? Just because Tina Fey did it doesn't mean you're going to be able to. Don't even consider this unless you have the accent down or you at least look kind of like her... otherwise you will just end up looking like a real estate agent. This costume has alot of potential and could be really funny, especially with the election next week, but unless you're willing to go all out, maybe you'd better reconsider...
The Joker
"The Dark Knight" was one of the biggest movies in the last few years, and everyone seemed to fall in love with Heath Ledgers performance as the Joker. But that was MONTHS AGO! I know the DVD is coming out soon, but It's time to hang up the Joker shirts you bought at Walmart and let it go. The Joker is no longer topical, and if i hear "wanna see a magic trick...?" at all tonight I am going to perform said trick on whoever asks it. Even if YOU do the costume well, the fact that we are going to see 7 other Jokers at the same party makes the costume more annoying than anything. And besides, most of them end up looking god awful. So even if you look more like this than like this, it is the other assholes who totally ruin the fun for everyone.You might as well be Austin Powers at this point.
Inappropriate Costumes
You know the type of people who dress like this. We all know at least one of those guys. The type of guys who quote family guy every chance they get. The type of guy who always talks about how great he is in bed or how much pussy he gets, but you never see him with any girls EVER. Said guy will buy this costume expecting to be thought of as bold and the life of the party, but will in fact will get nothing more than a "that's gross!" from a cute girl as she goes and talks to someone who decided to be a little more original than ordering a $50 costume from funnycostumes.com.
Cross Dressing Costumes
Guys don't (normally) wear women's clothing. We get it. Every year I see this costume and I wonder, are these guys just trying to be funny, or are they using Halloween as an excuse to be a cross dresser for a day? I ask myself, has this guy run so low on comedic gold that he has to stoop to public humiliation to get a chuckle? I guarantee you that girls do not find this costume attractive. Guys wearing this "costume" will probably be seen standing as close to any girls who haven't seen his costume yet (because trust me, this guy will make sure that EVERYONE has seen it by the end of the night), in hopes that they will "by chance" see and think its funny. You may also see guys in this costume dancing and groping each other because they are "so drunk" and everyone thinks it's "so funny!".
Girls With Nice/Decent Bodies in Sexy Costumes
I would be a liar if i said i never liked the sexy Halloween costumes (on women!). But it is nice to see some class and some effort put into them. Far too often do I see a girl in a red top and plastic devil horns claiming to be a devil, or a girl in a mini shirt and a pair of handcuffs claiming to be a cop. Just because you have a killer body doesn't mean that you get a "get out of rant free" card when it comes to costume critiquing. OK maybe half of one... OK fine, as long as you're attractive and your costume complements it and it's at least somewhat tasteful, you can be whatever the hell you want. Which brings me to my next type of costume...
Fatties in Sexy Costumes
I have no problem with people who are overweight. I have a problem with people who don't know their own body type. I don't wear muscle shirts because I have no muscles, just like people with 6 toes don't wear open toed sandals. No one wants to see that. I understand that it might be hard for plus sized women when their friends are dressing up like sexy school girls and hot nurses, but I guarantee feeling left out feels alot better than being laughed out of a party, or having your picture posted on break.com the next day. Besides, dressing in skimpy clothes will only make your hot friends look hotter by comparison.
The "WTF Are You Supposed to Be?" Costume
We get it, you like Half Life. You think that Halo's Master Chief is the most "badass" character in a video game. But here is the problem. Not everyone is into what you are into. If you have to explain your costume, chances are, its not cool, its not funny, and its not worth the time and money. While these costumes are fan boys dreams, to everyone else here in the real world your chances of getting laid are smaller than the guy in the "Blow Me" Tissue Box Costume's.
Couples Costumes
When done right, these can be cute. But do we really need to see another Fred and Wilma Flinstone? Don't you think the world can live without more Supermen and Wonderwomen? Does dressing up in matching Hippie attire make you the most clever couple at the party? NO, it doesn't. I understand alot of guys get dragged into the couples thing, but If you at least take the time to think of something original, people will be much more impressed. If you are going to do something trite, at least make it something that makes sense.
There you have it, A Short list of the many costumes you will see. I hope you all have a great Halloween and I hope none of your costumes end up on my list next year! Did I miss any? Well tell me!
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