Monday, October 27, 2008

Elect A Hottie Into Office!

No, not THAT one! Paris Hilton!

A few months ago, John McCain released an attack ad on Barack Obama in which he compared him to the likes of Brittney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, and Paris Hilton. Surprisingly enough, instead of crying about it, Paris Hilton posted an actually pretty funny video on Will Ferrel's, "Announcing" her campaign for presidency and thanking John McCain for nominating her.

The Media of course had a Field day with this, and several videos later, just 8 days (at the time of me writing this) away, She has released a full on music video telling us why she would be a good president. Such reasons include: painting the white house pink, making Simon Cowell a Supreme Court Judge, Enlisting a "Fashion Police", and being our "Commander in Bikini". The Video is Below:

Here is my opinion.. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a soft spot for Paris. Not because she's "LikekK SooO Tootalllaty Haawwt!" but because I KNOW alot of people are jealous of her. I mean who wouldn't be? Would I want my kids looking up to her? NO. Would I let her have MY kids? Probably (but that's a story for another time). The point is, she knows she does nothing to contribute to society. She knows shes just another hot blonde, but she is either confident enough in herself or so full of her self (you be the judge) that she is able to do things like this. She's been keeping a low profile, and it's nice to see that she's coming out of hiding to try and get people to vote, and to make people laugh while she's doing it. She has done alot of bad things in her career. The Sex Tape, Going to jail, The Hottie and the Nottie, but its nice to see that she seems to finally be growing up.. or at least is starting to realize that being a complete whore is NOT HOT.


Anonymous said...

haha this actually made me laugh BUT this is probably why the rest of the world hates us! lol :)

coleman said...

I'd vote Maggie Gyllenhall into office over Perez. I'm a sucker for squirrel cheeks and damsels in distress but I guess Palin has both of those but she wasn't in Batman which was really good.
I think we should assemble the Gyllenhall/Hilton ticket for 2012.

Ms. Bills said...

hahaha, the thing that strikes me most about this video is how all the guys have their eyebrows done. XD