Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, You Bastards...

Hello Everyone,

Today is thanksgiving, and I'm working. Sucks right? It's ok though, because I desperately need the money! Todays blog isnt going to be just a string of punchlines, so forgive me for that.

thanksgiving is the day where we sit and remind ourselves how thankful we our of the things we have. It is sad that we need a day to remind ourselves, but I think its an important day just the same. I am thankful for alot of things, even though lately it feels like not that much. My life has changed so drastically in the past month, and today is the first thanksgiving away from my family.

I am thankful for my mom first of all. This year has been so hard on us all, especially her, and without her i would be on the streets right now. I am also thankful for my family members who have stuck by me over the years... you know who you are.

I am thankful for my friends. You know who you are! While I may seem like a self centered dick half the time, I swear I am really not and I care about you guys more than you will ever know. Matt, chris, daniel, ian, chad, edgar, allie, julie, ...neelofer. Even though I haven't been totally let you guys in on everything in my life for personal reasons, you guys are still helping me get through everything. I'm thankful for all the new friends I made this year, lance, dave, merri, gio, lucy lol, and anyone else i'm sorry if i forgot to mention you! you guys are all awesome, new or old, and I hope god blesses you on this day.

I am thankful for music, my health, and that you took the time out of your day to read this blog.
I am thankful that Epitaph Records didn't sue me. I am thankful that Travis Barker is alive, and that blink are finally talking again. I am thankful that I have a job, and that I am finally pulling a band together. I am thankful for so much, and while my life kind of sucks right now, I'm thankful that while there are bad things in my life, they just make the good things in life all the more important. A Little Death Makes Life More Meaningful..

Happy Thanksgiving and think of me out in the cold while you are all enjoying it!

what are YOU thankful for?

1 comment:

coleman said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful Ryan didn't come. But it was incomplete without you here. I kept farting at the dinner table and nobody said anything but I know they were thinking it.